Shining Moon: A Speculative Fiction Podcast
“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” --Anton Chekov
Interviews and readings with authors and editors of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and speculative poetry. Hosted by Deborah L. Davitt.
Podcasting since 2023 • 41 episodes
Shining Moon: A Speculative Fiction Podcast
Latest Episodes
Shining Moon Episode 41: Reading the Nebulas II
With me today to read the novelette category for the Nebulas are Allen Dyen-Shapiro, Leigh Harlen, and Brent Lambert. Allan Dyen-Shapiro is a Ph.D. biochemist who enjoyed a 19-year research career. He now teaches in high-pove...

Shining Moon Episode 40: Reading the Nebulas I; Short Stories
Hello and welcome to Shining Moon, Episode 40. With me today are A.P. Howell, Sam W. Pisciotta, A.T. Sayre, and Risa Wolf. The voting for the Nebulas has just concluded, and we’re here to talk about the contenders on the ballot before the winne...

Shining Moon Episode 39: Writing Games III, Cerebos the Crystal City
Zach Welhouse is a librarian and game designer who lives in the Pacific Northwest. He enjoys hot drinks and meeting dogs who look like goblins. His work has appeared in the Costume Fairy Adventures and Deadlands RPGs, a...

Shining Moon Episode 38: Writing Games II--TEETH RPG
Hello, and welcome to Shining Moon: A Speculative Fiction Podcast, Episode 38. Today we’ll continue our series by asking questions about writing games, particularly roleplaying games. This is a subject dear to my heart, because I’ve spent...